How Entrepreneurs Should Prepare for Retirement, with Matt Franklin

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - podcasters RULE.  To say “some of my best friends are podcasters,” is not an attempt to just embrace podcasters.  It’s so freaking true!  And today I chatted with a podcasting dude who I felt like I could talk to FOREVER.

Today we are talking to Matt Franklin from the Rogue Retirement Lounge and man does this guy have some awesome stories.  Never mind his kick ass appearance on Shark Tank back in the day, Matt is a serial entrepreneur, an inventor, and a fellow Gen X’er with some truly delightful stories and he’s full o’knowledge, so I know you’re going to love this episode.

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Matt Franklin is a serial entrepreneur from Portland, OR. He’s run a one-man video production company since 2006 and on the side, he’s a part-time product developer. His most successful product landed him on Shark Tank in Season 4.

Since his Shark Tank appearance, he’s spoken with hundreds of entrepreneurs of all experience levels as they try to launch new products and businesses. In doing so, one thing he discovered is that self-employed people and gig workers are terrible about retirement planning and investing. There are a number of reasons, but being behind on retirement preparation seems to be a universal problem among entrepreneurs.

Upon realizing that he too, was unprepared for his golden years, Matt became obsessed with retirement investing, while at the same time running his businesses. He completely overhauled his investment strategy, and by getting out of the stock market and into cash-flowing investments like rental houses and apartment syndications, he was able to shave ten years off his working life. Now enjoying “pre-tirement,” Matt is hosting a podcast called the Rogue Retirement Lounge. His mission is to help entrepreneurs and self-employed people develop retirement strategies so that they won’t have to work into their seventies.

How to Start an Online Course Side Hustle with Gemma Bonham-Carter

As you may already know, my FAVORITE interviews happen when I learn something myself that will help support my business, and this week's episode is no exception.  As someone who is totally concerned with time management and productivity, the idea of creating courses to help support others in their drive to create side hustles is a no-brainer for me. 

Enter this week's guest, Gemma Bonham-Carter.  Gemma gives us a quick once-over on all things course creation!  So whether you already have a side hustle but want to create a course OR you have decided that the "Creator" is your Side Hustle Personality and you want to build your business around courses, this show will totally be your jam!

How to Start an Online Course Side Hustle

Gemma Bonham-Carter is an online course strategist and digital marketer who has helped over 6,000 entrepreneurs launch and scale their businesses.

With her two signature programs, Course Creator School and The Passive Project, Gemma coaches clients on how to monetize their ideas using online courses and digital products. She helps her clients build scalable, sustainable digital businesses with a long-term vision and effective strategies that work throughout industries - from entrepreneurship, the arts, nutrition, health and wellness, parenting, and more!

When she's not creating a new resource or giving live training inside of her student communities, you'll find her chasing after her two young kids, tackling her next real estate investment property, or watching Queer Eye.

free class -

pricing guide -

How to Use the Clever Fox Planner

It’s time for another Planner Review on Got Side Hustle and I’m wrapping up Q3 with The Clever Fox Planner.  I’ve enjoyed this planner very much and think that the goal setting facets are truly amazing.   So lots to share today about how much this planner has helped me.  I gave it a 9 out of 10 points!

Now - moving forward to the fall - I’m looking forward to getting as many of you in the Smart Side Hustle Society as humanly possible because we’re going to start having LIVE Masterclasses during the monthly group calls. The masterclasses will be recorded and posted to the membership but the chance to see them LIVE will be rocking awesome. CLICK HERE to get enrolled because I have a killer discount just for GSH listeners!

Got Side Hustle with Fabe Mitchell (Pinterest Pin (1000 × 1500)).png

How to Run a Side Hustle with Your Significant Other

Episode 145:  How to Run a Side Hustle with Your Spouse/Significant Other

HEY listeners!  I want to hear from you and learn a little more about you!  CLICK HERE to fill out my Listener Survey and be entered for a chance to win $100 from Amazon!!!  There are more than 20 prizes available!!!!

Are you a member of the Got Side Hustle community?  CLICK HERE to request access and I’ll be so excited to let you in!

So:  in light of the big Stroke Clinic that my swim team hosted a couple weeks ago, I wanted to do an episode on the joy and frustration of running a business (or in my case, a Side Hustle) with your significant other.  If you are a married or partnered person then you can probably feel me just a bit here - because I have always said that people who claim they don’t fight with their spouses/significant others are full of crap.  LOL.


Much of this episode is a bit of a catharsis for me, but all of the experience I share is coming from the heart.  I love working with my husband on the swim team, but it’s hard work.  Just like marriage.  So in many ways, we have two marriages:  our life together and the business.  As much as I say to my day job colleagues, “never start a business with your husband,” I am truly joking because I love him and I love the work we do together.  

Thank you for being part of the Got Side Hustle listening community. Do you have topics you’d like to see discussed on the show? Send me an email at

How to Manage Your Side Hustle Finances with Heather Zeitzwolfe

HEY listeners!  I want to hear from you and learn a little more about you!  CLICK HERE to fill out my Listener Survey and be entered for a chance to win $100 from Amazon!!!  There are more than 20 prizes available!!!!

OH, but I do love this creative accounting lady, Heather Zeitzwolfe of the “Get the Balance Right” podcast.  Another Pod Pal I met from Adam Schaeuble’s bi-monthly Zoom Parties, Heather and I share a love of podcasting and crazy, creative hair colors.  I really enjoyed talking to her and I know you will love this interview.

In her own words, “I'm a creative, empathic nerd who enjoys numbers. I help my clients understand their finances so that they can make empowered decisions in their business. My approach is the non-judgmental and shame-free approach. Through my coaching, I offer my clients accountability, support, and honest feedback.

I'm not your Dad's accountant (Unless your dad's accountant has funky colored hair, transforms tofu into delicious desserts, and geeks out on writing sketch comedy)! I'm here to get down and dirty in your numbers. I want you to understand your finances so that you can take your business to the next level. I work with creative small business owners helping them get a handle on their cash flow, increase their profitability, and forecast the future. But it's not all about profit, I help clients with a holistic approach to business that focuses on people, the planet, and purpose. I believe as business owners it is our duty to make choices on how it will impact our planet and society. Want to join me in this (peaceful) revolution?

I'm a total geek who loves creating spreadsheets, watching cult movies, and in my past life, I must have been a drag queen. l am passionate about learning, growing, and challenging myself and helping my clients do the same. I get really excited about data, organizing processes, and exploring new technology. But...I also like to get super crazy on the dance floor and bust a move. My passions include cooking amazing plant-based foods, standing up for animal rights (this includes humans), and hosting my podcast.”

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Here’s the show transcription for you to enjoy!

K:  Okay, side hustler fans. Welcome back to God's side hustle. I'm your host, Chris McPeak. And today we are talking to my new favorite pink-haired accountant - Heather Zeitzwolfe, Host of “Get the Balance Right.”   And Heather, thank you so much for carving time for me today. 

H:  I am so excited to be here.  And if there are other pink hair to accountants out there, I want to meet you. 

K:  So, yes, if you're a pink-haired accountant as well, please hit Heather up at the end of the episode. Let's go, let's go back to the beginning, Heather. I want to know who you are, where you're from, what you do, why you do it and, and why we're here today.

H:  Thank you. Well, I am a woman in my fifties and when I turned 50, I was like, I want to start a business. And if I don't start a business now, when am I going to start a business? And I've always been one of those people that has loved business, I have two business degrees.  II am very well kind of nervous about trying something that might not work I'm afraid. Yeah, I have this thing about like, I'm going to put myself out there, but what if it doesn't work out? Will I be destitute? Will I be homeless? All these different things come into my mind. So it was one of those things where I just didn't trust myself enough.

So, I’m in my fifties now and I've gained more confidence.  I've gotten more skilled over the years. So I've worked on various things. My first degree was in fashion and  I worked in the fashion industry. Then I went back to school and studied marketing and advertising, and I worked in market research for years.

I was a project manager, account manager. All that experience with those types of things, productivity that we had been talking about before, and time management, all those sorts of things. So I love that. Then the big recession came, I was laid off and I was at a crossroads thinking, do I want to stick with market research or do I want to do something different with my life?

This is my opportunity. So I looked into law school and I was studying for the LSAT. And as I was studying that, you know, it's a, it's a big test to study for. And, you know, it's just to get into law school. It's not even the bar exam.  I was reading online with all these people saying, like, I just graduated from law school.  I can't get a job. I'm working at Starbucks and I'm thinking I'm going to be 150 K in the hole after all this. And if I can't get a job, this kind of sucks. So I rethought about it and I was going into it so that I could. Activist. So it wouldn't be something that I would really be getting paid a whole lot for.

So I had to rethink that and I'm practical. So I was like, Hmm, I want something where there are actual jobs. And I remembered, I loved my classes in accounting when I was in business school. So I went. To PSU Portland state university, where I studied business before. And they were like, yeah, you don't really need to take that many classes.

You just need to take some higher-level accounting classes and a couple of other things, and you can get another degree. I'm like, bingo, I'll do that. And to sit for the CPA exam, you have to have a certain amount of college credits. This is in the state of Oregon. Each state is different, but because I had that other degree I had.  So I got a job in the field and the rest is history and, you know, but when I got into my fifties, I was like, I want to do my own. 

K:  So you left whatever day job you had at that time and started, did you start a firm? Did you just start an online accounting business? How did you open that?

H:  Yeah, so it was one of those things where I wasn't really exactly sure what I was going to do, but because I've been one of this kind of control freak about like, it's gotta be this way. I got to plan it out. I gave myself some breathing room to kind of figure it out. So I was really nice to myself.

I had a cushion in the bank, so I had time to kind of explore these things. I was like, do I want to do money management? Do I want to do coaching? Do I want to do taxes? Do I want to do more bookkeeping? And I kind of explore different things. Of course, when you start a job, you kind of just take in whatever jobs come to you.

So I was taking all kinds of jobs and I was like, finding these were not areas where I'm passionate.  And I did a lot of networking, went to conferences, and over time after having a coach, I discovered I really need to niche down. And so I decided to work more with creatives because I love that niche working with people. Web designers, web developers, graphic designers, videographers, that sort of thing. And so that was my sweet spot. So I decided to do that. And then I started my podcast, which was geared more towards those creatives. And then I started my second season and decided I'm going to niche down even further and I want to really target female entrepreneurs.

K:  And so when you started your podcast. What was the goal? To land clients, teach, get your name out there in a different way?

H:  Yeah. So the first, so for the first season, when I first started it, the idea was I would interview people who would be either my ideal client or ideal clients in the future, like what I could aspire to, and maybe those people could help give some insight that would help the people that I am currently working with. So, because I work with people that are really small businesses, I'm not working with large firms.  I brought on people that I knew, so I have a large network of people. I've done comedy, I’ve done Toastmasters,  I'm a vegan, I'm a vegan activist. I just kind of drew on that at first.

And then people started contacting me to be on my podcast and I'm like, well, this is pretty cool. And I have a large network on LinkedIn. And so then I started once, once you have a few podcasts under your belt, then you feel more comfortable about reaching out to other people, and suddenly. People come on my show that I didn't even know were asking me to be on my show, or I discovered them through LinkedIn.  The trick to that is you just really just be very interested in the person and get to know them and not be like, Hey, want to be on my podcast. 

K:  So yeah, no, you're absolutely right. It's so much easier to interview and talk to people that you sort of already have some kind of established comradery with and that's, and that's why I like, you know, connecting with people through Adam's group. For those of you who may not have, right. Of course, you've heard, if you listen to the show, you know, I'm a huge fan of Adam Schaeuble.   I am part of his download growth club. I met Heather through Pod Pals, right? I love that method of networking, I'm connecting with people that are like me, they have a podcast. And people that sort of have some of the same struggles and challenges and, and questions that I have. 

H:  So I know some people don't like to have somebody on their show that doesn't maybe listen to it, but I find that most people that come onto your show will listen to some episodes beforehand. And there have been times where, it just didn't work out. The interview just didn't work out and then it just didn't air.

But just to answer your other question about season two, I kind of changed things around, not only was it about female entrepreneurs, but I also decided that I was going to focus more on the financial side of things because I was concentrating so much on the creative. In the first season it was like creative business, but I think the audience was kind of getting confused as far as what my offer was.

So I changed it up. I also felt like I needed to step into that and be, you know, bring forth what I have to say more, more so than maybe what the guests always had to say. When you're starting a side hustle/ small business, there are financial things to take into consideration, and be prepared for.

K:  So let's talk a little bit about the financial aspect of running a business. What are some things people should be thinking about from the very beginning? And  how would they connect with the resources that they need to run a successful business from the financial end?

H:  Okay. So there's a lot to that. So we know it's a loaded question  So remember if you're doing a side hustle. You could work for somebody else and you get a W2 right. More. You could be maybe a contractor and you'll get a 1 99, or maybe you're just starting your own business.

So if you're getting a 1099, or you're actually just going out there and finding your old clients, either way, you have a business now. So if you, even if you're going to get a 10 99, you have a business, you gotta treat it like a business. So what I would start with. One decides how you want to be taxed as that business.

So you want to be a sole proprietor. Do you, are you going in with a friend? Are you going to be a partnership? That sort of thing. So chances are, you're just going to be a solopreneur. So you have to decide, do I want to just do everything under my social security number? Or do I want to maybe have an LLC?

And so those are decisions that you need to make that look into what your state rules are and all of that. Now, if you're a single member, LLC, you'll still be filing that on your 10 40 so on your but so whether your social security number or your LLC, the LLC what I would advise is to go onto the IRS website and get what's called an EIN. So you need this and you can also do this under your social security number too, but this EIN is important because that's what you're going to take to the bank to open up a checking account. And what I would advise first and foremost is do not commingle your personal funds with your business funds. So have separate checking accounts, have separate credit card accounts, and you'll need to have this EIN to go to the bank and open this up. So that's first and foremost. So treating it as a business would also be if you're going to be using things like miles driving track of these things.

So you can deduct these things, you know, when it comes to tax time if you're going to be like, oh yeah, I did use my card. And then whoever's preparing your tax return is going to be like, okay, great. Well, what were your miles? Do you have this schedule? I mean, you're supposed to keep this for the IRS, have a log of all these things.

So treat it like a business. If you're going to do a mileage log, everything, you need to know how many miles you drove. Regular and how many businesses, so all those types of things. And then the second part of your question, so there's more to this. I can go on and on about this. But the second part of your question is where can they find resources?

If you do have an accountant, talk to them, the internet is your friend. You can discover all kinds of things from the internet, watch YouTube and get a coach. I would say that that's one because a coach is probably going to know things about running a business that you may not even know.

A lot of times, you don't know what you don't know, and you can run into a lot of trouble if you're not realizing that there are certain things that you need in place. For instance, where I live locally, there are local taxes, and a lot of times, you know, someone starts a side hustle, they come to me to do their taxes, and then I'm like well, you know, you have to pay taxes, these local taxes.

And they're like, I do, yeah. Now you're going to be taxed even more than. Thought you were going to be right? Yeah. And that's another thing is, you know, when you're treating it like a business, you've got to set money aside for taxes. Like you can't be like, woo. This side hustle is rocking. I like making all this extra money.

No, the government is going to take a chunk of that. And depending on where you're at, it could be the IRS. It could be the state, it could be local. So keep all that in mind. And you know, if there's sales tax involved, that's a whole other level of complexity. So besides having a coach, there's also a small business association that may be in your city, where you can connect with the network, find a mentor.

There are all these different things. When you're a solopreneur, you're like just out there floating on your own. And you need to have a network of people. So it could be connecting with other like-minded people on Facebook groups, networking groups, but just find other people to talk to about your business and because they'll clue you in.

Don't just take their word for like, oh yeah, you can deduct that. Or, yeah, you don't have to worry about that. Like I hear so many times people come to me with some sort of cocktail party tax advice and I'm like, oh no, no, no, no. So make sure that. That if you do get that kind of advice, you know take it seriously and look it up and make sure that what people have told you is correct.

So, but have a lawyer in your court you know, find, find a friend that's a lawyer, or it's nice if you don't have to pay a lawyer. Right. But yeah. Connect with a lawyer and accountant. Those are two really important people to have in, in place, I think. Yeah. So let's go back to the LLC versus the sole proprietor thing and the benefits and downsides of each.  An LLC gives you a level of protection. So if you are sued you know, you have that level of protection. One other thing about having an LLC versus just using your social security number is when you do jobs, you don't have to give out your social security number. You can give out the EIN from your LLC. When you go to a bank, you can start a bank account under the LLC. And so it's a level of protection. One other nice thing about having it as the LLC is. If you start making quite a bit of money in this side hustle, you may want to start being taxed as a corporation.

And having that LLC allows you to be taxed as an S-corp. So there are tax advantages to that. But I would not go into that lightly either.  I'm not giving out any tax advice. I just want to be honest. You need to contact a CPA or accountant to make sure that that is the right time to be a tax as an escort because there are a whole bunch of rules that are around that.  So just be aware of that since you have to file separate forms sometimes.

K:  On finding an accountant, is it, does it help to find somebody that's in your area so that you can meet up face to face? What do you recommend there in terms of seeking someone? 

H:   I help people with bookkeeping, money, coaching, profit, advising taxes, tax planning, that sort of thing. And with bookkeeping and money, coaching profitability coaching, I can help anybody anywhere. Then they could be anywhere in the world.

But when it comes to doing someone's taxes and tax planning, I would only feel comfortable with the states that I feel comfortable with their tax laws. So make sure that you find somebody comfortable with the laws in the state that you operate. And if you have another business in another state and maybe you have a rental property in another state or something, make sure that they're aware of what the rules are in those states, because every state is different.

Every state has different tax laws, they have different types of. Taxation that could be around, like, if you have an employee in another state, you may have to have what's called nexus in that state, which means that you have to file your business in that state. So there are all kinds of rules.

You have to know what the rules are in whatever state. So having an accountant that is aware of those types of things, rules I would say was advisable as far as face-to-face. You know, things are changing. A lot of accountants are old school, they like to have paper copies. They want you to bring in their documents and they'll scan them and do all that.

I operate completely virtually now. So you could find someone, I think, just find someone that you feel comfortable with. Like for me, all of my clients, they all, they have to scan everything and send it to me. So they have to be. Technologically savvy. Where if, if you're not that way, you maybe find someone more in your neighborhood that you can just drop off.

K:  I have another quick question, cause this always messes me up as well from time to time.  What is the true difference between accounting and bookkeeping? 

H:  It's more of a technical term. There are rules about using the word accounting in the title of a business. I think there are rules around that depending on your state.  If you offer bookkeeping, you say bookkeeping  I think because I'm a CPA, I can say accounting  

K  I see.  Then a bookkeeper's just going to go and, and make sure that your transactions are posted to the right categories and that you're reconciling your bank statements every month, but an is going to give you more specific advice and guidance 

H:  Right. It's more of the technical rules in an account. I would say that it varies because I've worked with bookkeepers that know a whole lot of stuff and they can probably help you with all of that type of stuff. They can be advising their clients, but because there's, but bookkeeping is one of those things.

It's not like a CPA. We have a license, anybody can call themselves a bookkeeper, when you have a bookkeeper, just kind of making sure that they have experienced and you know, it's good to find somebody that understands your industry that you're in. So that way they can see some of the similarities that happen with other clients.

Wth me working with creatives, I often see very similar things in their books. And so it just, it's just helpful. Like, I don't work with restaurants just for that simple reason that like, they have their own, they're their bevy of problematic things that come up. And I just, I don't even want to deal with that.

K:  Yeah, I don't blame you. That makes me scared. Just thinking about it. 

Heather, I feel like I could pick your brain for another hour or so, but maybe we'll have you back on the show to talk about some more advanced sort of side hustle, accounting things. Where can people find you if they want to work with you, listen to your show, follow you on social media, all of the things. 

H:  Sure. So my podcast is called get the balance, right? And if you go to, you can just look up, get the balance, right. And you'll get links to all of my stuff. So I have free downloads. I have some upcoming free webinars. I'm going to hold a Money Mayhem Makeover on the 4th Monday of the Month.  And if you're a female, you're welcome to come. It'll be free. It's going to be a networking event and we're going to have makeup tips as well. So it'll be like a mastermind. You'll learn some financial stuff and then network and it'll be low stress. Some people find networking very stressful.  I don't, but a lot of people do. So this has been like no stress at all. Come and have fun. And I'd love to have you there.

The Four Kinds of Side Hustles

Today I would like to talk a little bit about the four different kinds of side hustles you can pursue according to yours, truly. And I actually put this together as a free quiz, a few months back.

And if finding out which of these four things is going to be the best type of side hustle for you to pursue is of interest to you. Why wouldn't it be? You listen to the show, right? CLICK HERE to get your hands on that quiz!

Number one is what I refer to as the gig economy. And this would be anything where you are freelancing for a corporation that already exists and the most perfect examples of these are, as you can imagine, Uber and Lyft driving, Instacart, Postmates, Task Rabbit, all of those things where you are going to submit an application to the corporation's main application area, you get approved, you might have to do a background check. You might have to submit a driver's license or take pictures of your vehicle. Then you're approved to work and perform that service on behalf of that corporation.

And then you are paid by the corporation as a freelance or a subcontractor. You choose the hours. You want to work in the days you want to work and you get your paycheck from the contracting company. This is a great side hustle for you. If you want to start something right away, you need cash right away, and particularly if you like to drive, this is a great side hustle for you to get out in the neighborhood, drive your vehicle, and listen to your favorite podcasts. Like the GOT SIDE HUSTLE show.

The Four Kinds of Side Hustles - Side Hustle Tips

The 2nd type is an affiliate or multi-level marketing. This is where you're either going to pitch a product to your friends, family members, colleagues, et cetera, a product that you truly believe in and use yourself. And then when they, your friends, family, coworkers purchase said product, then you get a percentage of their sale.

This again, is something great for you to do. If you want something that's between the concept of passive and active income, you are going to have to market to your friends and family members. But if the product is something that you love, you obviously believe in it. That should be pretty easy to. You can also take this to the next level, which I think is what they refer to as the multi-level marketing companies like Mary Kay and Amway….there are hundreds of them.

You sign on as an independent contractor within that sales field, but you probably have a mentor or somebody who's your upline that recruited you and they get a portion of your sales. But then if you're really into this type of side hustle, then you can recruit people to be in your downline and you get a percentage of their sale.

One thing about affiliate marketing and MLM. Programs that I think is really cool. Is there is definitely an option to have community around you. Especially if you are being recruited by somebody and then you recruit other people. These corporations have national conferences, they have sales rewards, there are all kinds of SWAG. We all know the story of the Mary Kay Cadillac, right? And in some cases, these are the types of side hustles that can turn into full-time income, if that's what you want to do. But if you're like me and you love your day job and contend to stay where you're at, this was a great way to supplement your income and get some products that you really, really, really like at considerably lower cost.

The 3rd type is what I refer to as a creator. And this can be in the form of content, online content, digital content, or physical products. So if we're going to split this and to digital and physical, you might decide that you're going to have a blog where you're going to write blog posts about a particular niche topic. You're going to get advertisers to be on your blog and make money that way. Or you might take some of that info that would go into a blog post and create a course for it, or some kind of online downloadable materials that people can buy, or even you do like. And you create a podcast as your content delivery system, and you look to book clients who want to work with you, actually that segues into number four, but we'll talk about that in a second. That's the first half of a creator, the second half would be, if you've got a knack for creating physical products and people have said, whoa, if you would sell these, I would buy one in a heartbeat.

And the first person that I'm thinking of is my best friend, Molly, who has a yarn shore out there in Redlands, California, but she makes a lot of physical products on her Etsy store and also designs knitting pads. You can buy yarn bowls from Molly or knit purses and bags, or you can buy any of the dozens of amazing patterns that she's created over the years.

This might be you if you were someone who could sew. When COVID-19 started, you likely made a killing, sewing face masks and face coverings for people who were looking to buy something. Other than that regular. Paper masks that you could buy at drug stores, but likely then couldn't buy a drug stores because everybody was buying those masks and they were sold out all the time. But you get the picture. So you're making something that's unique and special that people want to buy. You can see this on Etsy all over the place.

The fourth type of side hustle is the Service Provider. So if you are somebody who likes yoga, you might become certified as a yoga instructor, and then you give private lessons or maybe you went to massage therapy school, and rather than working at a clinic or a massage parlor, you. Do travel massage and you go to people's houses and you do stuff like that. Sports medicine, professional trainers, there are all kinds of people who become physical trainers and work at a gym, but also people that become, become personal trainers and get their own clients who work with them. One-on-one, I'm a coach for people who want to start and scale their side hustles and or work on their day jobs and the careers.

But there are money coaches. There are mindset coaches. There are podcast coaches. There are blog coaches. There are all kinds of coaches and that is definitely a service provider. Or there may be something that you do at your day job and like a CPA and accountant is a perfect example of this. You might be an accountant for a corporation or a local company or a college or university, but you decide that you really, really want to work with artists on the side because you have a really big interest in art. And so you market to the art community, that you are an accountant that specializes in the type of work that they do.

So hopefully this is making sense in the terms of the service providers. There's so many different things that we can do and that people will pay us to perform for them. Whether it's a service industry that already exists or who knows, you may come up with the next new thing, the next new trendy, fantastic thing that people will jump on and want to do because they see that it's a lucrative opportunity and something that they might really get to enjoy.

To learn more about the four types of side hustles, make sure you listen to the episode.

How to Start a Freelancing Writing Side Hustle with Aly Goulet

HEY listeners!  I want to hear from you and learn a little more about you!  CLICK HERE to fill out my Listener Survey and be entered for a chance to win $100 from Amazon!!!  There are more than 20 prizes available!!!!

Okay - I LOVE learning new things, and in this episode, I learn a LOT.  If you’ve ever thought about freelancing - especially the kind of freelancing that is not FREE for you, LOL - then this is the episode for you!

How to Start a Freelance Writing Business as a Side Hustle

This lady, Aly Goulet, is a master of the online freelancing world.  We talk about systems, business tools,  marketing methods, and the importance of having a portfolio.  And if the rejection is tough for you...well, let’s just wait to see what Aly has to say.

Aly Goulet is a full-time freelance copywriter for B2B SaaS and IT companies. Now, she's also passionate about building tools and resources to help creatives start and scale their own freelance business. Most recently, Aly collaborated with a team of developers to create Genius Portfolio for WordPress.  You can find her Genius Portfolio in a free and paid version.

The Differences Between Second Job and Side Hustle

Side Hustle Tips

Episode 141:  The Differences Between “Second Job” and “Side Hustle.”

WHO wants to win $100 from Amazon?  I knew it!  CLICK HERE to fill out my updated survey so I can learn more about YOU and how I can help you.  The Grand Prize is that $100 Gift Card from runner up will get a $50 gift card from Amazon, and 25 lucky listeners will be $5 gift cards from Starbucks.  WOO HOO!!!!

This week I just wanted to throw in a shorter little episode to talk about differences between a Second Job and a Side Hustle.  I came to this realization a while ago but it didn’t really click to me until I was preparing my webinar, “How to Run Your Side Hustle in Less Than One Hour a Day.”  Because there really is a HUGE difference and it’s not just one of mindset.

This is a quick and short show - so I’m just gonna leave it at that!  ENJOY!

How to Develop Self-Mastery and Be Self Educated with Fabe Mitchell

Let me just tell you from the beginning that I did not want to interview Fabe from the get-go.  I had such a bug in my butt about “serial entrepreneurs” coming on my show and telling the audience why they need to quit their 9 to 5.  Not on this show.  But Fabe broke through my bias to explain to me why his message would benefit you guys.  And DANG - he blew it out of the water.  

Fabe and I share the same brain in so many ways - and I loved this conversation from start to finish.  I think you’re going to LOVE his message and his VICE method.  

From college drop-out to a multiple profitable business owner, Fabe knows all too well the saying "starting from the bottom.”  If you’re like Fabe, not handed a silver spoon, you know that it doesn't matter because your success has nothing to do with your current situation but everything to do with your passion, focus and your desire to grow. 

Fabe’s mission is to help side hustlers with a passion and a desire for a better life like you, to grow and scale their side hustles by tackling burnout, procrastination, and fears by implementing systems that work. Because having a profitable side hustle means a better quality of life for our family, friends, and community.

Check out his community and programs HERE.

Side Hustle and Time Management Tips

How to Become a Smart Money Chick with Daphne Jones

If you are a “woman of a certain age,” then this is the podcast episode for you!  Another connection from my Pod Pals experiences, I connected with Daphne at one of Adam’s bi-weekly chats.  Daphne shares her experiences as a podcaster side hustler and as an insurance broker.  And I definitely learned a thing or two about life insurance that is going to help me as that “woman of a certain age.”  

Daphne Jones is a life insurance broker in Houston Texas. After more than 20 years of military service and work in corporate America, she has been helping her clients with their life insurance needs since 2015. She has a passion for making complex topics relatable and understandable, empowering you to make informed and effective decisions with your financial resources.

Her free resources include:

How to Manage Money as a Side Hustle

How to Start a Stock Photo Business with Julie Butler

Episode 138:  Stock Photos and Dream Entrepreneurs with Julie Butler

And...WE’RE BACK!  I’m so excited to be back from Summer Break and here to share new episodes and lots of cool stuff! 
Did you hear?  I launched a membership!  And for GOT SIDE HUSTLE listeners, you can get a pretty sweet deal when you join us.  Just go to and get 50% off your first month PLUS a Podcast Listener ONLY monthly discount!

How to Have a Stock Photo Side Hustle

My guest this week is Julie Butler, from Stock by Jewels.  Julie is a 40-something Canadian wife and mamma of two witty boys and 2 fur babies, and she started her business as a self-taught portrait photographer over 13 years ago.

She's a simple country girl at heart, but has been living in the city for 20+ years! She's a creative being who loves gardening & all things pink. She loves mornings & lattes and is overall a pretty happy and positive person, life is a gift, and she feels incredibly grateful and happy to be living this life … in her yoga pants 😉.

Her mission is to help female entrepreneurs who are in love with what they do, build & grow their business so that they can achieve a level of success that goes above and beyond by creating irresistible high converting brands that let them connect with their dream clients.

How to Make Time for Your Wellness with Adam Schaeuble

It's been almost two years since this episode launched...and in that time, I've come to think of Adam Schaeuble as not only a coach and mentor but as a really amazing friend.  Adam gives so much of himself with every lesson, every podcast episode, and every hilarious Instagram Reel.  

This was my first collaboration with Adam, but it won't be the last.  Adam is going to be providing a masterclass for the Smart Side Hustle Society and he's shared some great material with me that I'll be posting after the summer vacation.  

If you are starting a podcast anytime soon, then you WANT connect with Adam and get in on his DOWNLOAD GROWTH CLUB. This membership has made a HUGE difference in my podcast downloads and I have so enjoyed learning from him. Best thing - you get to listen to Adam’s Butter Voice (it’s TOO sexy) every two weeks. Worth…every…penny.

Meanwhile, enjoy this episode, one of the Greatest Hits of Elevate Your 8.

How to Balance Your Wellness Lifestyle

I am SO effing excited to publish this show!  I had an absolute blast talking with Adam Schaeuble, the Ph.D. (Previously Heavy Dude) of the Million Pound Mission and Casting the Pod.  Adam shares some of his story on how he lost 100 pounds, opened his own gym and shared his passion for health and fitness around his community in Bloomington, Indiana.  Five years later, Adam has helped the citizens of Bloomington lose over 35,000 pounds and he's not stopping until the nation reaches ONE MILLION!

Adam and I share a love of 90's pop culture (Party Time, Excellent!), letting our passion be our purpose; and, of course, podcasting!  Make sure you listen to the very end of the show to catch the "blooper" cut!  

To learn more about Adam, check out his bio HERE.

And here are ways you can connect with Adam:

Podcasting Business School

The Low Carb Hustle Podcast


Ten Ways to Shake Off a Bad Day

Ten Ways to Get Over a Bad Day Side Hustle Tips

This episode is my most downloaded one to date!  And that makes me giggle because of that whole "shake it off" thing.  

But seriously - it's so easy to let one little insignificant thing wreck your whole day...

That TPS report thing...

The damned copier...

Not enough pieces of flair...

You get the picture.  So rather than let the day tank or destroy the copier, use one of these ten little tricks to shake off the bad day and move on.  

You CAN do it.  And it's super easy...and fun, too.

Meanwhile - while Got Side Hustle is on summer break, I'm gearing up to launch my first membership program, The Smart Side Hustle Society.  You can get on the waitlist today and get all the launch updates...PLUS you'll be eligible for lots of pre-launch goodies!  

How Your Values Impact Your Productivity

I'm really excited to re-release this episode on how your values impact your productivity and vice-versa.  

We go where our values lead us.  If we value getting lots of shit done, our time management will focus entirely on finishing those projects and moving to the next thing.  If we value scrolling and kicking it, then we get very little done, but maybe we feel good about that in the immediate here and now.

Either way - this is a conversation you must have with yourself every time you chose activities and priorities.  

But don't stress about it - ease into it, learn and grow.

You've got this.

Meanwhile - I'm SO excited to be launching my first membership, The Smart Side Hustle Society, and it's time for YOU to get on the waitlist so you get the first shot at all the launch goodies!  CLICK HERE to get on the waitlist today!

How Your Values Impact Your Time Management

How I'm Getting My Shit in Gear This Summer...

How to Get  Your Priorities in Order Side Hustle Tips

SO:  here’s the deal.  Finals are over, summer is officially here, and I’ve come to realize that I have WAY too much on my plate.  Even though the college doesn’t close, there’s still that underlying notion that things should slow down, get a little easier, right?

No fucking way.  I’m busier than I’ve ever been.  And I’ve got to get some stuff off my plate

In this episode, I’m talking about what I need to do to get my priorities in gear.  How I want to realign my life and get things in order.  And I’ve decided that Got Side Hustle is going on summer break.  

So you’ll be treated to the Greatest Hits of Elevate Your 8 and Got Side Hustle while I realign my shit - and then I’ll be back with new vigor and energy.  Because I deserve it - and you all, especially, y’all deserve it too!

Original Music for GOT SIDE HUSTLE is composed and performed by Chris Corral.

If you’re enjoying the show, I’d love for you to share it with a friend!! OR “buy me a coffee,” if you want to support the show!

8 Little Things to do Daily to Work on Your Side Hustle

How to Grow Your Side Hustle

Summer vacay is here and it’s time to CHILL a bit.  I’m taking that advice myself, but I wanted to put out some tips and tricks on some little bitty things you can do every day to work your small business and make your side hustle AMAZING.  I love the idea of chunking out small periods of time here and there to do the little things that help move your biz forward - like engaging in your community, writing an email to your list, or creating graphics in Canva.  So here are 8 of those - I hope you LOVE them.

In that vein, I have a workbook that can help you get all the shit done in your side hustle in just ONE HOUR a day!  I know, it sounds unbelievable, but it truly does work!  You can grab that little freebie RIGHT HERE.  

Original Music for GOT SIDE HUSTLE is composed and performed by Chris Corral.

If you’re enjoying the show, I’d love for you to share it with a friend!! OR “buy me a coffee,” if you want to support the show!

How to Launch the Travel Business of Your Dreams with Rita Perez

Something hip and happening in the side hustle world is the travel business, even though it’s been on hold for about a year due to the pandemic.  But thanks to people like Rita Perez, YOU can create the travel business of your dreams.  Shoot, this conversation with Rita made me want to drop everything else and run to this type of side hustle!  Rita is another connection from Adam Schaebule’s Pod Pals Zoom Chats!  

Rita M. Perez is the owner of RitaVentures, a travel agency specializing in cruise ship retreats. She has been planning group cruises for the past 10 years and cruise retreats for the past 5 years.

She helps companies and businesses who love their people grow that bond through a cruise retreat program. She has a passion for logistics and thrives when she sees the relationships being built and strengthened through cruise ship retreats.

How to Start a Travel Business as a Side Hustle

Her business has been featured on Work Culture Consultant, Global Institute for Travel Entrepreneurs, and Host Agency Reviews. She holds a B.S. in Hospitality Management from the University of Central Florida's Rosen College of Hospitality Management, which is the #1 hospitality program in the nation and #2 in the world.

Meanwhile, if you have not started a side hustle just yet, pick up the new guide, 13 Easy-to-Start Side Hustles for Higher Ed Employees. Grab this up today and get started on your new business!

Original Music for GOT SIDE HUSTLE is composed and performed by Chris Corral.

If you’re enjoying the show, I’d love for you to share it with a friend!!

How to Take Control of Your Life as a Biz Boss Mom

This week we talk to Rebecca Kay about how to take back control of your life and your time, especially if you have a corporate job and are a mom. I loved this conversation with Rebecca - she’s an incredibly genuine woman with an amazing coaching business! 

The audio is a little wonky in places, so just wanted to make you aware.

How to Control Your Business as a Busy Mom Side Hustle Tips

Rebecca is a corporate mom and side hustle business owner, who helps like-minded mompreneurs find the time to grow and scale their side hustle business so that they can take back control of their day, income, and business! Her mission is to help mompreneurs like her, leverage the power of systems, strategy, and structure to build their businesses without having to feel guilty about pursuing their purpose as a mother.

Join Rebecca in her community Busy to Boss Moms where she goes live every week to talk about all things planning & systems and help you get back control of your time, income & purpose. Find everything at 

BTW: are you struggling with ROUTINES? Check out this very comprehensive report, “The Amazing Power of Daily Routines!”

Original Music for GOT SIDE HUSTLE is composed and performed by Chris Corral.

If you’re enjoying the show, I’d love for you to share it with a friend!!

10 Ways You Can Be More Present During Your Zoom Meetings

How to be More Present in Zoom Meetings Side Hustle Tips

Zoom - dang.  How many of us have a true love/hate relationship with Zoom (or Go-To Meetings, or Google Meet, or whatever else is out there)?  For realz, the pandemic put virtual meeting software front and center - it’s been a blessing and a curse, it’s been groundbreaking and frustrating.  And I’ve got news for y’all - Zoom is NOT going away.  

I’ve been completely blown away by how meaningful Zoom can be, but I also know that it’s really REALLY hard to be fully engaged at times because it’s basically a passive method of communication.  And I wouldn’t be the first person who’s turned off their video to work on other stuff.

So - this week’s show is dedicated to how you can be more engaged and present during Zoom meetings.  They are all easy tips that are fun to implement and you can, in some ways, even make a game of it.  Enjoy the episode!

Meanwhile, if you have not started a side hustle just yet, pick up the new guide, 13 Easy-to-Start Side Hustles for Higher Ed Employees. Grab this up today and get started on your new business!

Original Music for GOT SIDE HUSTLE is composed and performed by Chris Corral.

If you’re enjoying the show, I’d love for you to share it with a friend!!

Get to Know a Coach's Life Journey with Kim Levin

This week I'm hanging out with Kim Levin of Kim Levin Coaching.  We cover all the ups and downs of being in and out of side hustles and education.  Kim's a dynamic coach with lots to offer!

Kim Levin, of Kim Levin Coaching, LLC, teaches married working moms who feel overwhelmed and unfulfilled to release their self-destructive thought patterns and discover what they most want and to truly live their life by design. After graduating college, Kim was a tenured high school math teacher, followed by actuarial analyst for CIGNA, turned pharmaceutical sales rep for Merck.

Side Hustle Tips for Coaches

Kim’s superpower is relating to people of all ages. She has worked with people from the fast food industry to corporate executives. On paper Kim had it all, but she wanted something more out of life. (She was always in a self-discovery journey. She has studied reiki, energy healing, and quantum powers.) Kim has studied under the best in the industry from Tony Robbins at the Robbins Madanes Training and Strategic Intervention/ The Coaching Institute to the prestigious Accomplishment Coaching’s Ontological Coach Training program.

Kim has returned to her true gifts and currently teaches math to at-risk students in Camden City Public Schools and coaches people to have more joy and create a fulfilling life.