How to Avoid Burnout in Higher Education

Are you still trying to figure out a side hustle for yourself?  With this FREE workbook, you'll explore 13 options to making a little money on the side while you continue to thrive in your day job on campus.  

This guide will help you to:

💥 Investigate options for a side hustle that aligns with your strengths and interests.

💥 Make the right decisions on which side hustle to choose so you can maximize your efforts.

💥 Get your mindset in the right place to start your new small business with the least amount of hassle and start-up costs.

How to Avoid Burnout Side Hustle Tips

Meanwhile, on today’s episode, I’m talking to a bright, spunky, and not-apologetic academic coach, Tamara Yakaboski.  We cover everything from money issues, productivity, finding your niche, and what it’s really like to have a side hustle while working full-time on a college campus.  

Tamara Yakaboski, Ph.D., a recovering academic and rule-follower, now supports women’s transformation to break out of the rule book and live an unapologetic life in relation to nature. Tamara weaves together supportive partnerships with aspiring and current knowledge creators, community shapers, paradigm shifters, and rule-breakers. She uses her over-achieving trauma patterns to help women stand in their inner wisdom to go against the mainstream and live their impact. She does this through her unique G.R.O.W. methodology that helps folks (re)connect to themselves, community, and nature.

Original Music for GOT SIDE HUSTLE is composed and performed by Chris Corral.

If you’re enjoying the show, I’d love for you to share it with a friend!!

How to Step Into Your Unique Power, with Johnny Guidry

I really loved talking to Johnny Guidry of Refractive Podcast and probably could have continued the conversation for hours on end.  Johnny is funny, smart, caring, genuine, and has a big heart. 

Johnny and I talk about his journey to becoming a coach and a podcaster right out of corporate America.  His story is really powerful and he is definitely an example of someone who realized he was not happy in his current day job and paved his own way.  You’ll love this interview!


A 16-year veteran of Human Resources and Training, Johnny Guidry is a motivational speaker, coach, facilitator, and the founder of Refractive Coaching. Having experienced an intense period of darkness that pushed him onto a path of emotional, spiritual, and professional growth, Johnny uses public speaking and coaching to help his clients and audiences find their highest inner wisdom. His podcast, Refractive, focuses on releasing limiting beliefs, stepping into authentic power, building a career that feels right, and the adventure of spiritual growth

You can find Johnny at and

Meanwhile, if you have not started a side hustle just yet, pick up the new guide, 13 Easy-to-Start Side Hustles for Higher Ed Employees. Grab this up today and get started on your new business!

Original Music for GOT SIDE HUSTLE is composed and performed by Chris Corral.

If you’re enjoying the show, I’d love for you to share it with a friend!!

5 Things You MUST Consider Before You Hire a Coach

This week, while preparing a new freebie, I got to thinking about what goes through everyone’s heads before they hire a coach. I recall how I made MY decision. It wasn’t easy...until it WAS.

The process that I describe in this episode is exactly what I went through before I hired my current business coach, Lindsay Maloney. Hiring a coach is a BIG investment if you are going to do it right...and just like any big investment, you’ve got to do your homework.

How to Avoid Burnout, Say NO to Your Boss, and Thrive in Your Student Affairs Career, with Christina Armstrong

Every once in a while, I get to interview a previous staff member from my housing days and it’s just as much fun to connect with them in that way than to get to know the new Side Hustler Person.  Christina Armstrong is one of those people.  

If you are a person who struggles to say “NO” in Student Affairs work, then this is the episode for you.  And I was reminded of Christina’s conviction in being a well rounded professional as well.  She taught me a thing or two during our interview.

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Christina is a results oriented Personal Productivity Coach who specializes in taking Student Affairs and Higher Education professionals from overwhelmed to overjoyed. Nobody knows the unique needs of a Higher Ed professional quite like a fellow Higher Ed professional. 

As a 10 year veteran, Christina knows the unique challenges of the field. What works for a live-in RD won't work for a Director of Student Activities! By combining the unique skills and talents of each person with the best tools and resources, Christina helps give stressed workers more control over their time, energy, and freedom!

You can connect with Christina on the ‘Gram @organizinghigher

Meanwhile, if you have not started a side hustle just yet, pick up the new guide, 13 Easy-to-Start Side Hustles for Higher Ed Employees. Grab this up today and get started on your new business!

Original Music for GOT SIDE HUSTLE is composed and performed by Chris Corral.

If you’re enjoying the show, I’d love for you to share it with a friend!!

Planner Review: GOAL CRAZY in Q1

At the beginning of this year, I went on the quest to find the perfect planner! Sure, there’s no such thing, but it was going to be a fun experiment and I wanted to get started. Planners can certainly be very helpful in keeping our lives in order, setting goals, and creating a checklist of tasks and projects to be completed. And don’t forget the occasional affirmations or other motivational things.

How to Become a SERIAL Entrepreneur - with Jacqueline Cooper

On this episode of GOT SIDE HUSTLE, we are talking to Attorney, NBCT Special Education Teacher & Entrepreneur JACQUI COOPER, who is the host of the following podcasts:  JCooperTravels, CryptoMom, LoveTravelScotland, Virtual Career Day.  DANG!  Is this woman focused or what?  

Jacqui and I covered a lot of ground since she has her hands in so many pots - and she knows how to stir them.  From lessons on choosing the best affiliates to how to leverage your residual income to what thrills her about CryptoCurrency, if you have ANY side hustle dreams or plans, then Jacqui’s experience is really going to motivate and excite you!

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And if this interview isn’t enough to incite some Side Hustle ideas, you can always check out my FREE Side Hustle Skills Assessment.  CLICK HERE to download the assessment and get familiar with the skills that will lead you towards the side hustle you’ve always wanted...or didn’t realize you wanted!  

Are you a member of the GOT SIDE HUSTLE community?  Click the link or go to to join us!

Online Talk Shows:  To Inspire, Educate & Empower  

JCooperTravels  | LoveTravelScotland | CryptoMom | Virtual Career Day

Inspirational |Travel | CryptoCurrency | Finance | Business | Career

4 Ways Your Side Hustle Can Complement Your Day Job - Episode 25

Are you ready to explore, reflect, and enlighten your approach to your day job and side hustle?

I'm really excited to share these 4 things with you - and give you some room to explore them! This was a fun list to create and I am proud to share that I have experienced all of these myself!

If you want the FULL experience of 11 ways your Side Hustle can complement your day job, CLICK HERE to pick up the FREE workbook!  It's filled with ideas and exercises that will help you see exactly how your two professional vocations can work together!

Pick up this Tip Sheet and Workbook and you'll obtain the knowledge to:

➡️ Seamlessly blend skill sets that benefit both positions

➡️ Develop boundaries that help you avoid burnout

➡️ Expand your network(s) and create impactful partnerships

How Your Day Job Can Truly Inspire a Side Hustle - A REAL LIFE Example with Chris Hurley

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I had an absolutely delightful time speaking with this week's guest, Chris Hurley, from Perspective Pathways.  Chris and I are both Recovering Housing Professionals and our places of employment not far from each other.   He's quite the renaissance man given his youth and I am so excited to see what Chris brings into the world through his work.

Chris Hurley is an educator who has dedicated their career to supporting Artists and Designers. In Higher Education, he has had the joy of working at a number of art and design colleges including MICA, The New School, Otis College of Art and Design, and is now a Career Advisor at ArtCenter College of Design. As a former design student and professional designer, Chris brings design thinking and creative problem solving into every aspect of their work.

After years of supporting art and design students, Chris decided to open his own business, coaching Artists and Designers to have a successful creative career in the industry of their dreams. Chris believes art and design have the power to change the world and wants to support creatives in creating positive change. Chris is also passionate about personal finance which he hopes to bring into his business at some point in helping artists and designers fund a creative career.

While still a beginner, Chris loves the Irish language and serves on the board of the Irish language school The Gaelic League of Los Angeles.


Career Coaching:

Three Stupid Things You Should Avoid for Less Stress

I spent about five hours in urgent care this week - nothing too "urgent," per se, but I did have the doc tell me one thing:  you have too much stress right now.

YIKES.  Isn't that what they tell you when they are about to put you on medicine or tell you to lose 50 pounds?  Well, I do need to do the latter, but that's beside the point

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By Friday of this past week, I was crying almost every hour and I finally figured out why.  So this week's episode is all about three things that are making me sick and stressed right now.

They aren't surprising things - they are probably things that happen to you, too.  And they are easy to mitigate and navigate, so stay tuned for a new episode in the coming weeks on how I'm choosing to deal with it all.  I have a plan, of course!

Do you have introvert qualities?  I bet some of you do!  And did you know that introverts make amazing business owners? To see if this sounds like you, CLICK HERE to pick up my new assessment and guide.  

6 Ways to Mentally Separate Your Day Job from Your Side Hustle

If you’ve read my book, “The 9 to 5 Side Hustler: A Guide to Managing Your Day Job with Your Small Business,” then you know that clear separation is key to finding the time to do both jobs well. It’s not hard work to do this - but you do have to work hard. It’s important to be intentional and thoughtful about your approach - but these six tips will be helpful to as you find clarity with this process.

How to LAUNCH a Small Business or Side Hustle with Leslie Levito

Well, friends, here we are! The new show is launching and I am SO friggin' excited! It's been great fun to work with my coach and make the decision to niche down a bit and start talking to career professionals in higher education about creating time to work on their side hustles.

And the result is "The Got Side Hustle Show." Still the same host - me, Kris McPeak - and still a huge focus on productivity and time management. "Elevate Your 8" really hasn't gone anywhere - it's still the basis for everything I teach and role model and it will be shared often with the new format.

How to be REALLY Productive in 2021

How to be REALLY Productive in 2021

I had lovely chat with Elikqitie from the Travel Gluten Free Podcast earlier this year. Elikqitie loves to eat and travel! What better way to combine both of her passions than in a podcast? She produces two podcasts, Travel Gluten Free and COVID Travel Update. She is also the author of The Guide to Traveling Gluten Free. She gives the gluten-free community tools to enjoy their gluten-free lifestyle, especially when traveling. Find her at a virtual gluten-free conference where she shares her knowledge of gluten-free travel and empowers the gluten-free traveler!

How to Get Your Next Job, with Claudia Miller

Looking to start a side hustle?  Get familiar with your skills and talents with my FREE online assessment tool!!

And that makes it two shows in a row where I was lucky enough to chat with some folks from Chi-Town.  This week I visited with Claudia Miller and we knocked it out of the park on how to set yourself up for success when you are job hunting, changing careers, or just looking to improve your current job scenario.  From LinkedIn to resumes to automated candidate systems, today's podcast interview covered a lot of ground and I LOVED talking to this lady!

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Claudia is a Career and Negotiation Strategist and she helps serious professionals secure dream jobs, with dream salaries, at their dream companies -- including fast-growing startups, rockstar midsize companies, and Fortune 500 and Tech Giants like Amazon, Google & Facebook. Some even received salary increases of up to $50,000. Business Insider selected her as one of the Top Most Innovate Career Coaches of 2020 and her work has been featured in Forbes, MSNBC, Yahoo! Finance as well as other major news outlets.




Live Resume Review:

How to Get a BETTER Night of Sleep - Karese Laguerre

So you've decided a Side Hustle is going to happen in 2021 - but now what do you do?  Take my FREE quiz, Which Side Hustle Is Best For You, and get results fast!

My guest today is Karese Laguerre who gave me a whole new perspective on sleep and how we can make it better.  Y'all know that sleep is one of the pillars of "Elevating Your 8," so focusing on improving your sleep is ALWAYS a great idea!

undiagnosed sleep and breathing issues. One visit to a pediatric dentist changed the trajectory of their lives. Already a Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH), Karese, trained with Sandra Holtzman, Lois Laynee and Sarah Hornsby to establish her orofacial myology knowledge. With this initial training and numerous others, in a few short years she has not only resolved all her children's issues, but helped hundreds of patients, children and adults alike, discover how great life can be functioning on full. Her private practice, The Myo Spot is now a leader in the quest for myofunctional therapy awareness and public education. Her latest published book, Accomplished, delves into how to sleep better, eliminate burnout, and execute goals. Karese's mission is to transform and positively impact as many households as possible through dynamic breath, brain and body work.  


Accomplished: How to Sleep Better, Eliminate Burnout, and Execute Goals

How to Be a Heartfelt Sales Leader - Connie Whitman

To say that this week’s guest was like coffee, diet coke AND plain m&M’s all rolled into one would be a gross understatement.  Because I had a delightful, high energy and super fun convo with Connie Whitman of the Heartfelt Sales Leader Podcast.

Again - what I love about podcasting is the opportunity to connect with other amazing people doing similar things to me, but in different ways.  I always feel like I’ve made a new friend every time I interview a new person. 

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Known for her high-energy, passionate, and enthusiastic approach to teaching and coaching, Connie Whitman helps ambitious business owners, leaders and sales teams build powerhouse organizations.

A #1 International Best-Selling author of her book ESP (Easy Sales Process): 7-Steps top Sales Success, speaker, podcast host, and influencer, Connie’s inspired teaching, transformational tools and content ensure that business owners and salespeople grow their revenue streams through enhanced internal and external communication skills.

Connie has been the CEO of Whitman & Associates, LLC for the past two-decades sharing her signature 7-Step Sales Process helping thousands of sales teams grow and scale their business. 

She is a trusted strategic partner who builds lasting relationships with innovative business owners, thought leaders, and organizations worldwide.

As a podcast host, she is thrilled to share inspiring content on her weekly, international podcast the “Heartfelt Sales Leader,” as a free resource for professionals looking to fast track their careers.

How to Take Back Your Time - Penny Zenker

Penny Zenker is a focusologist, an international speaker, business strategy coach, and best-selling author. Penny founded, developed, and sold her first multi-million dollar business while living in Zurich, Switzerland. Later at the world's 4th largest Market Research company, she managed business unit turnarounds and was a Tony Robbins business coach helping business leaders and entrepreneurs around the world to build strong leadership, a culture of ownership, scale their businesses.