Get to Know a Coach's Life Journey with Kim Levin

This week I'm hanging out with Kim Levin of Kim Levin Coaching.  We cover all the ups and downs of being in and out of side hustles and education.  Kim's a dynamic coach with lots to offer!

Kim Levin, of Kim Levin Coaching, LLC, teaches married working moms who feel overwhelmed and unfulfilled to release their self-destructive thought patterns and discover what they most want and to truly live their life by design. After graduating college, Kim was a tenured high school math teacher, followed by actuarial analyst for CIGNA, turned pharmaceutical sales rep for Merck.

Side Hustle Tips for Coaches

Kim’s superpower is relating to people of all ages. She has worked with people from the fast food industry to corporate executives. On paper Kim had it all, but she wanted something more out of life. (She was always in a self-discovery journey. She has studied reiki, energy healing, and quantum powers.) Kim has studied under the best in the industry from Tony Robbins at the Robbins Madanes Training and Strategic Intervention/ The Coaching Institute to the prestigious Accomplishment Coaching’s Ontological Coach Training program.

Kim has returned to her true gifts and currently teaches math to at-risk students in Camden City Public Schools and coaches people to have more joy and create a fulfilling life.