How to Use Social Audio to Grow Your Side Hustle - Part I

HEY - the One Hour a Day Masterclass is coming back!  November 2nd and November 6th!  CLICK HERE to get registered!!

So who’s on Clubhouse?  Who’s on Wisdom?  Who knows what the hell I’m talking about??

Yes, if you haven’t heard, Social Audio is the new “thing” and for podcasters it’s tres cool because it’s what we do!  But beyond that, there are some AMAZING and impacting conversations that are taking place on these platforms and I’m excited to share my first few Wisdom experiences with you!!!

What’s Wisdom, you ask?  Wisdom is a pragmatic solution to monetize your expertise, while doing good by helping people. We need people like you to make Wisdom a success! We provide mentors/experts with the necessary tools to take questions from your community while monetizing your expertise and building your professional brand.  I was recruited a few months back to become a Top Mentor with the app; I somewhat dropped the ball during the Beta period, but I’m there now and trying to make some waves as I share space with individuals like YOU who have wisdom to share!

In today’s episode, I’m pulling in two of my solo talks from Wisdom, but starting in two weeks I’ll be sharing my shared talks here on GOT SIDE HUSTLE as we talk about side hustles, day jobs, time management...all of the things that people want to talk about on Wisdom.

Come join me on the app!  And thanks, as always, for downloading this week’s episode!!!!