BONUS EPISODES: What Kind of Side Hustle Do You Have?

[00:00:00] Hello, everybody. Welcome once again to another fun-filled fantabulous episode of GOT SIDE HUSTLE. I am your host, Kris McPeak and we are back with more bonus episodes where we are rolling through the very famous, SMART SIDE HUSTLE MASTERPLAN where I teach you how to start, prepare for., visualize, create and launch your very own side hustle here in 2022.

[00:00:35] It is the third week of January and there is a lot more work we got to do on that side hustle of yours, my friends. In the past two bonus episodes, we have focused on what's missing from your world that is causing you to say, “I want a side hustle.” And then we did a visioning activity last week, as you thought about the kind of business that you can run and what that future looks like while you're doing that side hustle.

[00:01:06] And I hope that those activities were helpful for you. Of course, if you need to get your paws on the companion workbook for these bonus episodes, you can do the join by text, which I mentioned at the beginning of the episode to get this workbook for free. And it's super quick to get your paws on that.

[00:01:34] Okay. So one of my very favorite scenes in the movie EMPIRE RECORDS is when Rory Cochran's Lucas tells Ethan Embry’s Mark, that once he picks a name for his band, you'll know the kind of band you have.

[00:02:00] Well, I think that there's something to be said for that when it comes to coming up with a name for your business and in this part of the bonus episode/tutorial here, I ask you to come up with six possible names for your business, because they're all going to roll off your tongue a little bit differently.

[00:02:20] They're all going to make you picture something different. But I think that we need to. Put all options out there and then test them out with our friends and our family members and any other people that may eventually have an interest in our side hustle. If you have joined some Facebook groups, online communities, Clubhouse, communities, anything like that, I would definitely encourage you.

[00:02:44] Once you come up with the names for your business, six possible names for you to get some votes and get some feedback. And I think what's going to wind up happening anyway is the one that gives you the most ecstatic, positive feeling where you could say that name over and over and over and over again, and never forget.

[00:03:08] To say SilverPeak Development is so easy for me. It's connected to the business that I run with my husband and the word development for me comes from one of my top five strengths quest finders from the Gallup strengths quest personality assessment, where Developer is one of my top five talents.

[00:03:31] And. Phase. I'm always looking to help people tap into their potential and do the things that they were born to do work to their strengths and, and use those strengths and own them. So SilverPeak Development was not my first business name. But it was the name eventually that got the most resonance and feels the best to stay out, to say out loud.

[00:03:58] So that's going to be the first task that you're doing here this week for this bonus episode homework. And then the next thing you're going to do is start to craft your “I help…” statement. This is also known as your elevator pitch or I don't know what other people call it, but when it comes down to who you help with this business, you're going to fill in the blanks with sort of a skeleton sentence that goes like this.

[00:04:29] I help blank do blank so they can blank. Who is the type of person that you help? For me, that's career professionals who don't want to quit their day job. What am I going to help them do? Well, I'm going to help them start low stress, time, efficient side hustles so they can do what once they've started that thing that I'm saying they're going to do, what are they going to be able to do with it so they can utilize all their skills and talents, or I've also said, So they can supplement their income while not compromising their lifestyle.

[00:05:13] So your I help statement. I help blank. Who do you help? I help blank do or create or start or launch or facilitate whatever that thing that you helped them do. So they can, and what's going to be the transformation from that. So I help blank do blank so they can blank. And if you pick up your companion workbook for this bonus episode, there's two little spots where you can brainstorm and write stuff out.

[00:05:51] My, I help statement all the way through. I help career professionals who don't want to quit their day job start low stress time, efficient side hustles, so they can supplement their income and not compromise their lifestyles. So that is this week's bonus episode. That is your side hustling homework. And I sure hope that these mini bonus episodes are helpful for you.

[00:06:18] I would love to hear how you're feeling about them. So shoot me an email: I would love to hear from you! Have an amazing week, everybody. These bonus episodes are short and sweet and I hope they kick off your day in a wonderful way.