BONUS EPISODES: Start Your Side Hustle in 2022 - Get Your Business Task To Do List in Order!

[00:00:00] Hello, my favorite fantabulous side, hustling friends. Welcome. Once again to another fun-filled fabulous episode of GOT SIDE HUSTLE. I'm your host, Kris McPeak and yes, this is another super duper swift, fast, quick, and dirty bonus episode, where we are running you through the official smart side hustle master plan so that you, the GOT SIDE HUSTLE listener, can launch and scale your very own side hustle right here in 2022.

[00:00:36] I believe this is the fifth episode of this series. And so just to run you through, if you're just joining us, of course, you want to go back and catch the others, but the first bonus episode had us talking about what's missing. What's the why behind the side hustle. And, and what is it that we're looking to create for ourselves.

The second had to do with doing a visioning work, doing some visioning work. So we did a visualization exercise about what your future looks like with the side hustle. In the third bonus episode, we did brainstorming where we did names for our business. And then we crafted your “I Help…” statement.

[00:01:20] That is a huge part of this whole thing. You guys, because if you can't tell somebody who you help with your side hustle, you won't get any clients or any business. That's super important. In the fourth bonus, we did a timeline exercise where we mapped out our start date, our marketing, and talked about the amount of time we're going to commit to this side hustle project of ours each week.

This week, we're going to look at a couple of things. There is what I call the biz basics, your essential to-do list - CLICK HERE to get your hands on the companion workbook that goes with the smart side hustle master plan.

NOW: let’s talk basics for your biz. This is a non-exhaustive list because as you start to work on your business, there may be things that pop up that you think, “Oh, well, Kris McPeak doesn't need this in her business, but I highly likely am going to need it for mine.”

[00:02:28] Here's a couple of things to be thinking about. You're going to make a prep checklist of the three weeks leading up to your business launch. Now you might be closer than that but at the very least plot out four or five of these tasks to do in the next week or two. So. I'm going to go.

[00:02:52] I'm going to share about four of these, starting with researching domain names for your business and purchase one. I am a fan of GoDaddy, so I go there to look for any time I need to buy a domain name for a project, a new website, etc.

You're going to have to have a website for your business. You guys, this is something I don't think you can get around unless you are doing the gig economy work and doing Uber or Lyft or Postmates or Instacart, those things.

[00:03:20] And then get a free trial for a website provider and start playing around with your site. I'm a big fan of Squarespace, but there are definitely others out there that exist. If you want to go the WordPress route and build everything yourself. That's totally an option you'll pay for hosting separately.

[00:03:39] What I like about the concept of Wix or Squarespace is that it's all in one. So you're not paying for design and, and hosting. That's something else on your to-do list. You'll want to think about where you're going to have your social media main platform be. I am Instagram person, which also means I'm sort of a Facebook person because Facebook owns Instagram (or should I say META owns Facebook and Instagram) to run the types of ads that you may want to do later in your business, you will need to convert your Instagram to a business account or start a new one. And having a business Instagram account is really helpful because of the insights that you get on the people who are following you and who may eventually become your ideal.

[00:04:31] And then another thing to think about is the money piece of this whole thing. You really do need to have a separate business checking account. So you're not commingling your funds. It's going to make it so much easier to account for everything. Go back and listen to the episode I did with Heather Zeitzwolfe and she talks all about this stuff on that episode. Heather also covers this stuff in her show called GET THE BALANCE RIGHT. And if you don't have an accountant that does your personal income taxes, you may want to research bookkeeper or accountant folks to work with you on your side hustle. Because there is a lot of financial things you have to take into consideration when you're building your own business.

[00:05:13] And I'm not going to get into that in this episode because it's a short, quick, and dirty bonus episode, but get your hands on the companion workbook. There are about 12 things on this list of essentials that I think you have to do to get your new side hustle up and running. And then you'll also get a prep checklist…I promise those things are going to help you really gear up to making sure you're getting everything done to launch your brand new, exciting side hustle.

We are only one episode away from finishing the series and I've been so, so grateful and so happy to. To do these for you guys. I think that having a side hustle is something that can really enrich your life in dozens and dozens of different ways.

[00:06:05] I know for me, it's resulted not only in a little extra money. It's resulted in a whole new type of relationship with my husband since we run a business together. And boy, if I had a nickel for all of the new friends and contacts that I've made since starting a side hustle, becoming a podcaster, I would definitely have a lot of nickels, not retirement early worthy, not early retirement worthy, but definitely I am rich in.

[00:06:36] Friends and contacts and support because of my time as side-hustling career professionals. So that is what I got to say to y'all this week. Again. Thank you so, so much for downloading this week's episode.