6 Strategies for Shaking Up and Rejuvenating Your Side Hustle

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Now - today I wanna talk about struggles.  Because we all have them.  

We all have days where we throw our hands up and say, "FUCK THIS!"  You know the Limp Bizkit song...

It's just one of those days when you don't wanna wake up

Everything is fucked, everybody sucks...

Right - nothing is going right and you hate everything.  And you blame your side hustle.

Guess what?  We ALL have those days.  And we CAN get over them.  We just need the right moves.

And in this episode of GOT SIDE HUSTLE, I've got six moves for you.  These are easy, actionable tips to use when that side hustle of yours starts to feel like a drag and you need to rejuvenate yourself!

I've used all of these myself and they work like a dream - even just one of them will set you back on track.

Here’s the transcript from this week’s episode! ENJOY!!

I would like to talk about six things that you need to do when your side hustle starts to feel like a big old drag, as in, you can not possibly get yourself out of bed and work this business for one more day.

And first, let me tell you, I know you're thinking like, well, McPeak, that's not going to happen because I love what I do. This business gives me joy. It fuels my passion, et cetera, et cetera. And you know what, you're absolutely right. But I'm going to tell you that you are going to have days where everything just feels like a grind.

You're going to have days where you're like, I cannot possibly fucking do this for one more day because it's not worth it. I'm not helping anybody, things aren't working the way that I wanted them to…

We all feel this way. Tons of people lock onto a side hustle, thinking that we're going to be millionaires within one to two months.

And you and I both know that that's never going to happen regardless of how good our mindset is. Working a side hustle when you've got a full-time job is going to take a lot of buckling down, a lot of gritting, and baring your teeth. And a lot prioritizing your time and remembering your why.

So there are days that, again, like I said, you wake up and you think, oh, I just, I just can't do this today. Or I don't want to do that. And I'm here to tell you that you do not have to feel that way because I have six amazing, cute little tips for you that you can do on those days where you wake up and you think, oh, my side hustle is such a drag.

Tip #1: Remember your WHY.

We all get into this for a specific reason. And initially for most of us, a lot of us that initial reason first is we want to make more money. Without the specific why behind your side hustle, all you're doing is chasing a dollar. And that my friends are really where that whole grindstone thing is going to kick you in the ass because all you're doing is chasing a dollar. You can get a second job for that.

The side hustle again, you know this, if you listen to the show, the side hustle is supposed to be something that fuels your passion. That's fun. That comes easily to you and you wake up in the morning and can't wait to get your paws on and do it. So think back to when you first started this journey, it might be recently enough that you've got that journal laying around by your bedside pillow or in your briefcase.

And you can go back and look at all of the things that you wrote down, who you want to help. How you're going to help them, what skills and talents you have that aren't being utilized in your day job, or that could use a lot more shaking out and sharing with the world. Do you know what I'm talking about?

You remember what thing initially grabbed you and made you say, “I’m going to create a side hustle out of this.: So go back, focus on that, remember it, and channel it. And that's going to be the first step to moving you into a new, better direction.

Tip #2 - Count Your Wins and Celebrations

You've made a little money on this journey. Celebrate that, celebrate the contacts that you've made, celebrate that you're getting more podcasts downloads or that your email list is growing. Even to new people on your email list, a month is growth. You guys, even one sale more than you made last year. That's growth. Exponential growth is not what we're going for here. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. You're building a business. You're building a business that you hope is going to fuel your income, supplement your income, compliment your income for a while to go. So let's count every single win and write those down. Make a little poster on Canva and put it up in your office so that you can see and be reminded that Hey. You've got this. You're good at what you do, and you're going to continue rocking it out.

Tip #3: Change Things Up a Bit

If you have been posting very specific things on Instagram, shake it up, get a little bit more personal with your posts. Share a little bit more about the person behind the business.

Go into your Facebook group, start going live a couple of times a week or once a week, or once a month. Go start using reels on Instagram. That's something new that you can do. Write a blog post, reach out to a fellow side, hustle or friend. And see if you guys can do a podcast interview swap. There are so many different things, little bitty tweaks that you can make that will make your business feel a little fresher and a little newer and make you kind of go, oh yeah. That's why I love this shit. Rock on. Excellent.

Tip #4: Connect With Your Coach and/or Your Community

In the previous episode, I talked about why you need community in your side hustle. And I'm pretty sure I did an episode on what to look at when you're hiring a coach. So if you don't have at least one of these two things, then I would like for you to pause this episode, right? And go find yourself a coach or go connect with your community or find that community that you need to connect with.

There are so many options out there, and I know that you will find the right place to land for you. And then just to let you know, as a little gentle reminder, GOT SIDE HUSTLE is my Facebook group and you are more than welcome to hop on over there and connect with that crew because they're a bunch of really rad people.

Tip #5: TREAT Yo’Self

Going back to that whole counting your wins, you're going to look at that list of wins and you're going to go, you know what, I'm pretty freaking awesome. And I deserve some Baskin-Robbins. Or, you know what? I haven't had a frappuccino in a month. I'm going to treat myself today. I’m gonna take my dog for an extra walk. Do something special for yourself, remind yourself that you are incredibly talented, that you have a lot to share with the world. And you're amazing. And you deserve to treat yourself because you're helping people. You really are.

Tip #6: Start Fresh Tomorrow and Aim to Do ONE THING Perfectly

So you're coming off this cruddy day or week. You listened to this episode, you made a list of how you're going to utilize those first five tips that I shared with you. And now you're going to tell yourself that tomorrow is another day (Thank you, Scarlet O'Hara). And you're going to zero in on one aspect of your business that you're going to execute tomorrow. And you're going to do that thing perfectly to the letter, all of the I's dotted and T's crossed moving through that thing like you own it, whatever that thing is. Whether it's recording a podcast, writing an email, doing a blog post, any of those things… go out tomorrow, plan to execute that to the letter, and then you've started fresh and you're ready to go back and get to business!

When your side hustle starts to feel like a drag, even one of these things is going to raise you up out of your funk and let you move forward and produce the amazing content service, whatever you provide that you were put on this planet to do.